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Climb instructions


If you are reporting an issue with PF3 please remember to Zip and attach the Debug_Monitor.log file from your PF3\Logs folder. Thank you.

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Post subject: Climb instructions
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:08 pm
Posts: 1338
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
I know I have mentioned this before, but it has been a constant for so long now, that perhaps it's not fixable - which would be odd though, because once-upon-a-time (I can't be more specific than that I'm afraid! A year or more) the 'issue' wasn't present in PF3 at all.

ATC waits until the user a/c has levelled off at the exact altitude given at initial contact before giving the next climb instructions. Happens 95% of the time I'd say (though when it doesn't, I cannot see any particular reason for it). That means that you always end up levelling off and the moment you stop climbing, the next climb instruction comes. All subsequent climb instructions and all descent instructions give plenty of notice of further altitude changes, so you can maintain a steady ascent/descent profile.

The one time that this does not happen is if the initial instruction (i.e. on the ground) is to climb to an altitude of more than 30,000'. So if your cruise altitude is say 39,000' and the initial altitude given is 34,000, you will get an instruction to continue climbing above 34,000' at least 1000' before you reach that altitude.

I usually add 1500' to my first dial-in altitude, which mostly works: but I am sometimes caught out: no climb instruction comes at all at the given altitude, and I'm told to descend to and maintain the instructed altitude. :oops:

Not a 'deal-breaker' of course, but if there were a way to ensure that that first climb instruction always came with some notice, like every other, that'd be great.


(I have already submitted logs for this in the past, but can do so again if needed of course).

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Post subject: Re: Climb instructions
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:21 pm
Posts: 1338
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
... an issue connected with (or maybe totally separate from??) this, and that I am sometimes encountering in addition to the above, is that I do not get any further climb instructions when I reach my first 'climb to' altitude (FL150 here). On this flight, I 'checked into' ATC after a while at 15,000', at which point the pilot voice reported 'out of flight level 150 for flight level 210'.. but I had been given no instruction to climb from FL150, (verified by absence of same in the COM log window).

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Post subject: Re: Climb instructions
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:01 pm
Posts: 1338
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
Oh, I meant to say in the previous post that when that happens (pilot voice reports climbing when no instruction to do so has been given by ATC), ATC will initially 'roger' the confirmation, but after a while will instruct that I 'maintain flight level 150' (or whatever the original level was). That didn't happen in this case, I was cleared to climb further, but more often than not, it does (or did, at any rate - only recently installed the latest beta).

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Dave March
Post subject: Re: Climb instructions
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:39 pm
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Thanks Martin I'll take a look. With regard you original post I really am unable to recreate this. Today I did a flight and was initially cleared to 10,000. When I reach 7,000 I was cleared to 18,000... so there was plenty of time



Dave March

Email: dmarch@oncourse-software.co.uk

I don't know if my memory is getting worse as I get older...
...I just can't remember how it used to be!

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Post subject: Re: Climb instructions
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:20 pm
Posts: 1338
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:33 pm
With regard you original post I really am unable to recreate this. Today I did a flight and was initially cleared to 10,000. When I reach 7,000 I was cleared to 18,000... so there was plenty of time
Very odd Dave, as I have this pretty much every flight, as I say :roll: Oh well.. not the end of the world I guess, I add a margin each time (but am caught out of course if no further climb instruction arrives).

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