Thank you, Dan, for getting involved in this anomaly. This only happens in VFR Free Fight, VOR and IFR work as expected, as does waypoint guided VFR.
Before going deeper, you should know that I have other issues with PF3. For many months I have worked with Dave because the PF3 displayer will not show giving me a message that says I am not connected to FS2020 (ridiculous, since I receive taxi and take off instructions from ATC). Dave and I have not been able to resolve the issue. I also cannot connect with the PF3 web display and Martin and I cannot solve the problem but kind of isolated it to my MS User account controls. Dell has also been unable to solve the problem.
Regarding the frequency you say I am in touch with 125.02 my com1 does not show that. Once ATC advises me the radar services are terminated Squawk 1200 I have no further contact with them, and I contact FSS 122.2 radar services (Jacksonville radar provides the frequency. I dial it, make initial contact and request Flight Following and ATC responds with either Roger or the altimeter reading....NO SQUAWK CODE. Obviously then, Contact Approach Handoff will not work since I'm not transmitting.
I figured out a work around. In contact with FSS I amend the flight plan to IFR. Tower advises me to expect vectors etc. Nav frequency is set, and I COULD turn on approach. But since I am in touch the tower, I can also NOT do that and simply report airport in sight. ATC responds with directions for landing as usual i.e. downwind for runway xxx.
Not very immersive but it does work. I think a more permanent solution is going to be a new computer. new Windows 11, FS 2024 and then reinstall PF3. $$$$ haha.
Again, thanks for your help